
Esteu farts d'IE?

Altres navegadors que donen excel·lents resultats si ja esteu cansats d'IE:

Opera: si obres moltes pàgines i descarregues molts fitxers.
Firefox: si vols afegir altres funcions al navegador, bo pels que comencen.
Netscape: un clàssic.


1 comentari:

Anònim ha dit...

One good resource for palm pilot software and many more free software alternatives is Software4YourSuccess.com
Yes it is my site and I would love for you to drop by for a second. From there you will have free access to several of my products such as The Marketing Toolbar (which is goldmine of information on how to do things quickly and on the cheap, thus saving you time and money).
Also for webmasters I have created Webmaster Wizards, which will help you with almost every aspect of putting code on your site from things such as legal and privacy disclaimers to popunders. I have so much content and free software there I could fill up this whole blog, so check it out Thanks, Sincerely Rob Rudd